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Sosialmedisin / John Gunnar Mæland, Steinar Krokstad et. al.2011
Boka gir ei innføring i aktuell sosialmedisinsk teori, kunnskap og praksis i Norge. Den tar opp sosiale forhold av betydning for sykdom og helse, og beskriver velferdssamfunnet i historisk og sosialpolitisk lys. Boka gir også ei oversikt over velferdsordningene, ser på helsepersonellets rolle, og tar opp utfordringer knytta til fordeling av helse og velferdsgoder, både nasjonalt og globalt
Medical benefits in young Norwegians and their parents, and the contribution of family health and socioeconomic status. The HUNT Study, Norway/ Kristine Pape, Steinar Krogstad et. al. 2013
Family and intergenerational perspectives might contribute to a better understanding of why young people in many European countries experience work impairment and end up being dependent on public benefits for life sustenance. The aim of this cohort study was to explore the relationship between the receipt of medical benefits in parents and their young adult offspring and the contributions of family health and family socioeconomic status.
Caring and well-being : a lifeworld approach / Kathleen Galvin and Les Todres 2013
Something is missing in contemporary health and social care. Health and illness is often measured in policy documents in economic terms, and clinical outcomes are enmeshed in statistical data, with the patient’s experience left to one side. This stimulating book is concerned with how to humanise health and social care and keep the person at the centre of practice.
Decentralizing Health Services : A Global Perspective / edited by Krishna Regmi 2014
Current economic, demographic, and environmental shifts are presenting major challenges to health care systems around the world. In response, decentralization–the transfer of control from central to local authorities–is emerging as a successful means of meeting these challenges and reducing inequities of care. But as with health care itself, one size does not fit all, and care systems must be responsive to global reality as well as local demand.
Harmonising Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables for Cross-National Comparative Survey Research/ Jürgen H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik,Uwe Warner 2014
This book explains harmonisation techniques that can be used in survey research to align national systems of categories and definitions in such a way that comparison is possible across countries and cultures. It provides an introduction to instruments for collecting internationally comparable data of interest to survey researchers. It shows how seven key demographic and socio-economic variables can be harmonised and employed in European comparative surveys.