Bloggers: Hanna Maja Tunset, PhD candidate, Eugene Kim, PostDoc, MR Cancer group, Department of circulation and medical imaging October is nearly over.…
Bloggers: Trygve Andreassen, Senior engineer, and Siver Moestue, Associate professor, The MR Cancer Group, Department of circulation and medical imaging Scientists all over the world…
Could breast cancer metabolism reveal new therapeutic targets?
by @NTNUhealth 1 October 2016Blogger: Tonje Husby Haukaas, Senior engineer MR Cancer Group at the Department of circulation and medical imaging Could there be a better day…
Blogger: Bjørn Olav Haugen, Professor, Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions, Department of circulation and medical imaging Angina is chest pain that occurs when the…
Interpreting ultrasound images with neural networks
by @NTNUhealth 1 September 2016Blogger: Erik Smistad, PostDoc at Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions (CIUS) Neural networks have recently achieved incredible results for recognising objects…
Brain changes in U-2 pilots due to altitude exposure – NATO high altitude research at NTNU
by @NTNUhealth 3 March 2016Bloggers: Marianne Bjordal Havnes, Post Doc Andreas Møllerløkken, Researcher, The Barophysiology group at the Department of circulation and medical imaging Researchers are trying…
How water motion can tell us about cancer treatment effectiveness
by @NTNUhealth 14 January 2016Blogger: Jana Cebulla, PostDoc MR Cancer Group, Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging Just as every human being is a unique individual,…
Bloggers: Researcher Debbie Hill og PhD Candidate Leslie Euceda Wood MR Cancer group, Department for ciruclation and medical imaging It’s that time of year…
45 people from both academia and the industry were present at the first meeting discussing the direction for half the different work packages at…
Shutting off blood supply to an extremity to protect the heart
by @NTNUhealth 12 November 2014In a study just published in the International Journal of Cardiology, researchers from CERG and the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the St. Olav’s…