By Svein-Erik Måsøy, Industry liaison and researcher in CIUS – Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions Then watch NRK2 Saturday January 27th at 5.55 pm…
Today, a significant part of the oceans remains coarsely mapped. Some specific areas like the continental shelves will require high-resolution surveys. This represents a very long and expensive task that will keep scientist busy for several decades. A way to reduce costs and time could be to improve the efficiency of current surveys. We are trying to do this by sending more signals in the water at the same time.
The Multi-beam echo sounder is recognized as one of the most efficient and reliable tool for seabed mapping. Applications range from regional mapping of the seabed for geological surveys to the inspection of man-made objects such as pipelines or ship wrecks.
By Antoine Blachet, PhD Candidate, CIUS – Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions.
Given that cardiovascular related diseases are the most probable cause of death globally, according to WHO, we believe that more information regarding blood behaviour can help the doctors make better diagnosis at an earlier stage. But how can you measure these properties inside the heart, behind the ribs, under the skin, without moving the patients from their bed?
By Morten Smedsrud Wigen, PhD Candidate, Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging and CIUS – Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions.
Enhancing marine sonar and medical ultrasound imagery using wave coherence
by @NTNUhealth 12 December 2017Blogger: Dr. Alan Hunter, University of Bath and Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions (CIUS) CIUS researchers are investigating whether a property of ultrasonic waves known…
Innovation was the main topic at the Fall Conference Day for the Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions (CIUS). Invited guest speakers, industry partners and…
CardiovascularChildren and youthCongenital DisordersResearch
Blood flow secrets in small hearts
by @NTNUhelse 8 November 2017Using a new ultrasound technique, we have been able to visualize and measure how efficiently blood flows through the heart chambers in young children with congenital heart disease. We studied 37 children aged two weeks to 10 years, and among the 26 children, which had congenital heart disease, we found less efficient hearts, meaning they use more energy than a normal heart.
Blogger: Marcus Wild, PhD-candidate, Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions (CIUS) and the University College of Southeast Norway. Within the maritime industry, ships use SONAR…
Leaky heart valves – new method for quantification by ultrasound
by @NTNUhealth 11 October 2017Bloggers: Erik Andreas Rye Berg, MD, Jørgen Avdal, MSc, PhD, Hans Torp, Dr. techn, Svend Aakhus, MD, PhD, Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions (CIUS).…
Pocket-sized ultrasound helps screen stroke patients
by @NTNUhealth 26 September 2017Blogers: Lars Mølgaard Saxhaug, PhD-Candidate, Håvard Dalen, Associate professor, and Bjørn Olav Haugen, Professor, Centre for Innovative Ultrasound Solutions (CIUS) and Department of Circulation…
Ultrasound automation simplifies detection of heart failure
by @NTNUhealth 14 September 2017Blogger: Jahn Frederik Grue, medical student. Using an application developed at NTNU, helps physicians detect more patients with reduced heart function when assessing heart…