May 30th – June 2nd CEMIR organized an international conference on mechanisms of molecular inflammation. The venue was Kunnskapssenteret at NTNU/ St. Olavs Hospital.
200 delegates from 20 different countries participated and made this conference an important arena to foster further innovative research on molecular mechanisms and regulation of inflammation. The conference brought together scientists from basic and clinical research and provided significant insight into common underlying processes of inflammatory disorders that can be translated to clinical settings.
At the conference we had 25 invited speakers and 16 oral presentations selected from the abstracts. In addition, we had a poster session with 64 posters.
The presentations covered cutting edge highlights on cellular trafficking mechanisms and compartmentalized signaling, systems inflammation, novel mechanisms of innate immunity recognition and prevention, mechanism of acute and chronic inflammation, and metabolic reprogramming in inflammatory responses.

The high quality presentations inspired to scientific discussions in the auditorium as well as at the various social events that took place during the conference. Photo: Ann-Charlotte Iversen

CEMIR director Terje Espevik, Head of Administration Kari Håland and Co-Director Trude Helen Flo. Photo: Ann-Charlotte Iversen
Many CEMIR members assisted in the organizing of the conference and the organizing committee would like to thank all for making it such a great success!