Blogger: Eva Brekke One of the mantras from our training in paediatrics was that “children are not small adults”. By this they meant to…
Time spent in bed, in a sitting position and on physical activity early after stroke
by @NTNUhealth 16 December 2013Blogger: Torunn Askim Early on a Friday morning in the middle of November, PhD student Anne Hokstad and I, headed towards…
Survival is for many brain tumours related to how much of the tumour is removed during surgery. The methods and technology developed in Trondheim…
Read Professor Edvard and May-Britt Moser interview in The New York Times.
Ask a Researcher: Computational neuroscience and neuroinformatics
by @NTNUhealth 2 April 2013Guest blogger: Professor Menno Witter Question: What’s the core difference between “computational neuroscience” and “neuroinformatics” ? Are they used interchangeably ?…